Our areas of
and distinctive
With its vast collection of primary sources and secondary literature, the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies stands at the forefront of the field. Our main goal is to train researchers able to become actively involved in Buddhist studies on the international arena.
View classrooms and seminars02Library
Primary sources from all countries and ages alongside the scholarly legacy bequeathed by generations of modern researchers.
There are more than 140,000 titles of primary and secondary sources of Buddhist studies and related fields in the possession of the Library. This makes it one of the largest and best collections of its kind in the world.
The Korean edition of the Buddhist Canon, new facsimile edition: the Library holds not only the modern format edition but also a facsimile reproduction (printed between 1966 and 1969) of the original 1236-1256 woodblock version.
View More Information03International Institute
for Buddhist Studies
A chance to know first-hand the latest findings from leading Buddhist scholars from all around the world
The public talks given by famous scholars from overseas open the possibility of fruitful international exchanges.
The publications sponsored by the college have become indispensable resources for Buddhist scholars and students around the world.
We have published more than 60 monographs and scholarly contributions which have won wide acclaim all over the world.
04Research Institute for Old Japanese Manuscripts of Buddhist Scriptures
An indispensable centre for the study of old Japanese manuscripts
Ancient Buddhist manuscripts copied during the Nara and Heian periods have survived in the libraries of several Japanese monasteries. Much to the surprise of the academic community, it has become clear that some of these manuscripts transmit older versions than the currently used editions of the Buddhist Canon. These versions, already lost in China, are only found in Japan. This makes the study of old Japanese manuscripts indispensable to the future studies on Buddhist texts.
The Guan Wuliangshou jing (Kongō-ji collection), beginning of the scroll: the notations in red and black made in the Heian period help us understand how Hōnen read the scripture.
The Chinese translation of the *Mahāprajñāpāramitāsūtra (Amano-san, Kongō-ji collection): this is the only scripture in the Kongō-ji collection of the Buddhist Canon which is kept in an inner box.

Our leafy campus
We are fortunate to be located in a central yet tranquil area of Tokyo.
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