Diploma Policy
The doctoral degree is awarded to the candidates who have successfully
- completed the coursework and earned the prescribed number of credits
- fulfilled the academic requirements set by their supervisors
- defended the doctoral thesis before a specially appointed board of examiners whose decision must also be endorsed by the faculty meeting. The thesis shall prove advanced specialised knowledge, the ability to use various methodologies, and a broad perspective in Buddhist studies transcending a very narrow area of specialisation. All these shall clearly testify to the candidate’s capacity to conduct independent research in the field.
Curriculum Policy
The college offers a five-year programme leading to a doctoral degree in Buddhist studies. In principle, four new students are accepted per academic year. The overall capacity of twenty students makes it possible to implement a training programme geared to individual needs.
Under the guidance of his/her supervisor, each student is expected to design and pursue a study plan which will enable him/her to gain the necessary knowledge and master the methodology required for the completion of a doctoral thesis. Apart from the supervisor’s guidance, students are also given the opportunity to receive academic advice from the other members of the faculty. The main forum for this is a weekly common seminar in which students are expected to give periodical presentations of their research. This gives the students the chance of receiving multifaceted feedback from all professors and participants, each specialising in different fields of Buddhist studies and Indology. Students also enjoy the opportunity of publishing their findings in the Sengokuyama Journal of Buddhist Studies published by the college and made available not only in Japan and but also throughout the world.
The curriculum includes courses and seminars of Buddhist philology, philosophy, history, culture, art, etc. as well as related fields and methodologies, all aimed at training specialists with top-level skills and a broad perspective. The curriculum structure is divided according to four geographical areas relevant to Buddhist Studies: South and Southeast Asia, Inner Asia, East Asia, and Pan-Asian Buddhist culture.
Each year famous scholars from abroad are invited as visiting professors. This offers additional opportunities to come in touch with the latest contributions to Buddhist studies on the international arena. The college also has exchange programmes with several academic institutions abroad which include Oxford University, Hamburg University, and Eötvös Loròrand University. This opens the possibility to pursue one’s research abroad for limited periods.
Admission Policy
The college accepts any students, whether from Japan or abroad, who fulfil the basic requirements necessary for a postgraduate programme leading to a doctoral degree in Buddhist studies. The successful candidates are expected not only to meet the basic academic criteria but also to have a lively curiosity about the historical past and a keen enthusiasm for bringing creative contributions to the future.
Requirements for admission:
(1)Basic knowledge in the field of Buddhist studies
(2)Basic skills for reading traditional Buddhist sources in classical languages
(3)Basic skills for reading secondary sources of Buddhist studies in modern languages