- 唯識瑜伽行派
- 部派仏教
- アビダルマ文献
- 般若経典
- 漢訳仏典(梵漢比較研究)
- 『大乗入楞伽経』訳注研究
- 『瑜伽師地論』「声聞地」訳注研究
- 唯識瑜伽行派における修行道論の形成と展開
Lambert Schmithausen, Collected Papers (co-editor). Volume I: Tokyo: International Institute of Buddhist Studies, 2016. <Series in progress>
Contributions to joint volumes and group projects
‘Systems of Buddhist Meditation’. Chapter in Michael Zimmermann ed. Blackwell Companion to South and Southeast Asian Buddhism, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing (forthcoming 2018).
‘Bodhisattvabhūmi’. Entry for Oxford Bibliographies (Online version). New York: Oxford University Press (forthcoming 2018).
‘Meditative Practices in the Bodhisattvabhūmi: Quest for and Liberation through the Thing-In-Itself’. In Ulrich Timme Kragh ed. The Foundation for Yoga Practioners: The Buddhist Yogācārabhūmi Treatise and Its Adaptation in India, East Asia, and Tibet. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England: Harvard University Press, 2013: 884-919.
‘Spiritual Cultivation in Yogācāra Buddhism’ 瑜伽行の実践 <In Japanese> Chapter in Katsura Shōryū et al. ed. Yogācāra and Vijñaptimātratā Thought 桂紹隆 他 編『瑜伽行と唯識思想』. Volume 7 of the Mahāyāna Buddhism Seriesシリーズ 大乗仏教. Tokyo: Shunju-sha 春秋社, 2012: 151-180.
Co-authored part of Japanese translation and study in Studies on the Manuscript Tripiṭaka of the Kongō-ji and the Newly Found Buddhist Scriptures 金剛寺一切経の基礎的研究と新出仏典の研究. Toshinori Ochiai, editor-in-chief. Tokyo: The International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies, 2004.
Contributions to academic journals
‘Agnostic Meditations on Buddhist Meditation’. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science. Vol. 45 (3) (2010): 605-626.
‘A Preliminary Study of An Shigao’s 安世高 Translation of the Yogācārabhūmi 道地經’, The Journal of the Department of Liberal Arts of Kansai Medical University 関西医科大学教養部紀要 17 (1997): 33-52.
‘Śrāvakayāna Yoga Practices and Mahāyāna Buddhism’, Bulletin of the Graduate Division of Literature of Waseda University, Special Issue No. 20 (Philosophy-History) 早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要別冊 第20集 (哲学・史学編) (1993): 3-12.
‘Mindfulness of Breathing 安般念in the Dhyāna Sūtras 禪經’, Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in Japan, No. 37 (1992): 42-57 (also published in Chieh-hsien Ch’en, ed. Proceedings of the 35th Permanent International Altaisitic Conference, September 12-17, 1992, Taipei. Taipei: National Taiwan University for Chinese Studies Materials, United Daily News Foundation (1993): 73-83).
‘O perspectivă semiotică asupra progresului in artă’ (‘A Semiotic Perspective on Progress in Art’) <In Romanian>, Revista de filosofie (Journal of Philosophy), [published by the Romanian Academy] 32 (2) (1985): 146-153.
‘Filozofia limbii in China antică’ (‘Language Philosophy in Ancient China’) <In Romanian> Part I: Studii şi cercetări lingvistice (Linguistic Studies and Research) [published by the Romanian Academy], 35 (5) (1984): 452-465; Part II: Ibid. 35 (2) (1984): 94-103.
- 外国語仏教学論著講読
- 南・東南アジア仏教文献学研究
- 南・東南アジア仏教文献学演習
- 論文指導
- 仏教学特殊研究